- promoting, developing and advancing engineering profession and technical sciences in the field of environmental engineering,
- influencing the formation of attitudes and the creation of public, scientific and professional opinion on issues important for the development of environmental engineering and the status of environmental engineers in society,
- improving the legislative, institutional, financial and strategic framework for the development and operation of environmental engineering,
- improving the status and protection of the interests of environmental engineers in chambers and unions and by the employers and state administration bodies,
- improving the professional work of members and promoting research, development and innovation in the field of environmental engineering,
- encouraging and supporting members in scientific research in the field of environmental engineering,
- spreading public awareness of the importance of environmental engineering in sustainable development and the preservation and protection of nature and the environment,
- gathering and exchanging experiences and opinions of environmental engineers,
- encouraging scientific and professional training and social life of members,
- care for the lifelong training of members,
- publishing books and journals in the field of environmental engineering, establishing, developing and strengthening cooperation with related associations in the country and abroad